Posts Tagged With: Christian Heritage Party

Christianity is Feared

Ray: I ran in the 2008 Election as a candidate for the CHP Party in the Newmarket/ Aurora riding. I feel I should disclose this when promoting something the leader has to say. Because this article touched on matters of truth as promoted by Christians I thought it was an article that is worthy of repeating in our Blog. As always I welcome the comments of others. Let us know what you think of Jim’s article.

By Jim Hnatiuk – Leader of the Christian Heritage Party CHP Communiqué Vol 19, No 38, Sept 18, 2012

There is a huge difference between the open, honest exchange of ideas in a public debate and the indoctrination of a society through the use of manipulative propaganda.

The free market exchange of ideas is considered a “given” in countries like Canada, the United States, Great Britain, and many other countries that have democracies grounded in the rule of law. This freedom is what most of us have grown up with, it’s what we have come to expect, and we may even think it absurd if anyone suggests that Canada allows any less.

In contrast, Sharia-governed countries—like Iran today—will imprison or sentence to death those speaking what they believe to be true. But then again, Iran is on the other side of the world—isn’t it?

The Soviet Union had a long history of state atheism, which suppressed public expression over wide areas of its influence.

The atheist Mexican state in 1917 enacted enormous restrictions targeting the Catholic Church; one prohibition was even meant to keep Catholics from being educated in their own religion. Could that ever happen in Canada?

In 1793, Anacharsis Cloots, an atheistic French politician, declared that “Reason” and “Truth” were “supremely intolerant.” Was Cloots saying that truth was wrong? How ridiculous! But, maybe not. Wasn’t it just a few years ago our Canadian Human Rights Commission ruled that “Truth is no defence?”

So who or what represents Truth? Well, we know that Christianity certainly does. Christianity is the baseline of truth and thus is feared worldwide by those who mean to control others. In fact, Christians are persecuted worldwide, not because they are intolerant of others, but rather because they represent truth, and they, and others who understand truth, want to see that it is expressed in the free market exchange of ideas. Those who want to control people feel that the truth must be suppressed; dictators seek control of all public media so that they can silence any truth which they find inconvenient or embarrassing. They want to get rid of the Christians and, for that matter, get rid of anyone who demonstrates sympathy or admiration for Judeo-Christian values and principles.

Those of us who represent the Christian Heritage Party of Canada are indeed walking the high road because CHP Canada believes that the truth must be heard and restored within the educational, judicial, and legislative systems of our nation. Our party is not intolerant, it is not radically “right wing;” rather it is right on!

Should people fear our biblical values? You bet! Those people who want to control and intimidate the citizens of Canada will naturally fear the revealing light of the truth. On the other hand, those who love the truth should welcome an honest public debate about the issues facing our nation today. Both groups, those who fear the truth and those who welcome the debate, deserve to know something: CHP Canada is growing, our members are organizing, and we who love the truth are coming to take back our wonderful nation and to defend the principles upon which it was founded, principles—as stated in the Preamble to Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms— “that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law.” Won’t you join your voice with ours?

The time to get into the battle is now. Join the Christian Heritage Party of Canada and make your stand for freedom, a glorious part of our blessed Christian heritage.

Categories: Absolute Truth, All Blog Entries, atheism, islam, politics, secular humanism | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment

It is not what you think that matters, truth is what matters.

RAY: Brad and I were sinking some balls on my billiard table, discussing what to call our new radio/podcast program. During the course of our conversation I said to Brad many people believe things that are not true. Many say that what’s right for you is right for you but whats right for me is right for me. If I think it is right for me to kill you but you think that it’s not right for me to kill you then who is right? “Obviously it is not what we think that matters, truth is what matters”, I told him. Brad replied, “That is the name we have looked for that describes our radio/podcast program.”

Brad and I first met in 2008 during the Canadian Federal Election in the Newmarket / Aurora riding. I was running as the candidate for the Christian Heritage Party at the time and Brad was interested in interviewing me to find out my political beliefs and to answer why Christians would want to establish a separate party and enter into politics. I told Brad it was the ultimate Christian Activism in trying to get our voice heard in the political arena. It was our hope that our voice might somehow shape the election by virtue of getting our message out at election times even if we were not to become elected. (You can review a blog that was set up at that time that gives some of my concerns that I expressed during the 2008 election at

After that election Brad and I became friends. I went on the air at Blog Talk Radio with him and at Out and About Radio which is a local FM radio station in Newmarket and at another radio station which is a subsidiary of the CFRB in Toronto over the next couple of years to discuss my religious beliefs with Brad as the Host of the program. We also invited the leader Rod Taylor of the CHP to speak on the Out and About FM radio program on one occasion.

For the past year (2011-2012) Brad and I have discussed now and then starting an internet program and website to host it in which we might use video methods to produce an online discussion which seeks to contrast the Christian World View with other World Views. In this program we wish to explore the inner workings of the Christian faith. Many have heard messages from Christians related to how you should join them and become a Christian yourself but many want to know why they should become a Christian not just how they should do it. To answer the question “why” is a harder topic. First of all one would want to know why Christianity, why not Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, secular Humanism, Communism, Fascism and many other isms. Why should one chose the Christian World View?

Brad intends to ask the tough questions of Ray and other call in guests on each program. We may even host a debate with someone who wishes to challenge the Christian World View in some of our programs. Ray is known as “Whitefox” in the Atheist internet community as a theist and defender of Christianity at their websites. We invite these folks to listen into our program and to get in touch with us if they wish to participate in one of our shows.

Ray runs another website called You may get in touch directly with Ray at  Let us know if you would like to join our email list and you would like to give us your ideas about this show please get in touch with us. Let us know how you would rate our program. At some point we will post a rating widget at the site but for the first couple of programs while we are cutting our teeth we hope you will be patient with the quality of the program while we are learning to host it for you.

As a side note: This might interest BRAD. There is another Newscaster named George Snell who has an interesting article about Truth is what matters in the arena of journalism at his blog. While I do not agree with his opinions of the Bible I do agree with his article about the need for truth in Journalism.

From the desk of

Ray Luff

Categories: Absolute Truth, All Blog Entries, politics | Tags: , , , , , , | 4 Comments

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