Posts Tagged With: Paedophilia

TDSB Bullies free speech.

picture-3552Ray: We had a comment made on our article about Dr. Kinsey and how his information about bringing underage children to orgasm is being used by the Toronto School board. Interestingly the TDSB did not tackle us for that article. Instead they attacked us for a comment made by someone else on our website. I researched what this other poster had said and found out that the only truth to what they had said was that allegations had been made but that the teacher involved was not criminally charged. I said so in my response to the poster. In effect I defended that teacher. However then the thought police started a war with me and my business which has little to do with this blog. I have decided to remove all the comments due to these bullies request. However I find it more newsworthy that these people bully those who speak truth. We spoke the truth that allegations had been made in our response to one of our followers comments. However even that truth is being policed by the Toronto School board bullies. I still find it very telling that they do not tackle the article itself that we posted which claims that Kinsey was a paedophile and that the school board is foolish enough to pursue the evil of trying to sexualize our children.

Friday November 08 2013

Ray Luff Investments Attn: Mr. Ray Luff

Re:  False and defamatory statements made by Ray Luff operating as Truth is What Matters blog to xxx regarding accusations of sexual harassment on her students.

Dear Mr.Luff,

We represent xxx in connection with the above-referenced matter.  RAY LUFF its directors, officers, agents, employees and assigns (collectively, “TRUTHISWHATMATTERS”) are hereby warned and notified to CEASE AND DESIST making false and defamatory statements regarding xxx and its ongoing matters.

It has come to our attention that false statements were made by Ray Luff and several commentors on his forum and blog Truthiswhatmatters.

The statements made by Ray Luff regarding xxx are false, defamatory, constitute tortuous interference with business, and as such, are actionable under Ontario provincial and Canadian federal law.

If our client is forced to commence a lawsuit against Ray Luff in order to stop continued false and defamatory statements, be advised that we will seek recovery of all attorneys’ fees and costs incurred herein as a result.  While we certainly hope this is not necessary, we are prepared to pursue whatever avenues are necessary on behalf of our client to stop the continued false and defamatory statements made by your organization.


Howard Dooncriknev Acting Counsel for the TDSB and Ontario Teachers’ Union.


Categories: All Blog Entries, heteronormativity, paedophilia, sexual deviancy | Tags: | 10 Comments

Pope Francis Remark about stance on gays ”Who Am I To Judge”?

BradSnell_IconBrad: From a recent article in  the Daily Brew when asked about the Catholic view on homosexuality in the church and gays being ministers, Pope Francis replied ”If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?” he asked, according to the Canadian Press.

The Pope also said when someone sins but confesses’ God forgives and forgets.

This reverse about face statement was quite different in 2005 when Pope Benedict XVI signed an order that homosexual men should not be priests.

On one hand, the Catholic churches view on homosexuality is to be treated with dignity and respect but on the other hand opposes gay marriage!

Alright which will it be? You supposedly oppose gay marriages, but its okay to be in a gay relationship but must be treated with the same dignity and respect as husband and wife!

Although it’s unlikely Pope Francis will be riding on a float in a gay pride parade any time soon.

Whitefox_AvatarRay: It was Augustine (read the confessions of Augustine), the first leader in the Roman Catholic Church who decided to be celebate for the remainder of his life. This was after he lived a life of debauchery. Every prostitute knew him well prior to this decision. He decided just like Mr. Weiner of the USA that he now was going to turn over a new leaf and proof of that would be total abstinence from fornication for the rest of his life. He took it one step further. He would not marry.

Marriage is the one thing that permits sexual enactment between consenting husband and wife to be enjoyed without it being labelled as the sin of fornication. Fornication includes other sins outside of marriage including Adultery, Homosexuality, Beastiality and Incest which also includes Paedophila. Anything that the Bible classifies as a perversion from Gods ordained boundaries of sexual intimacy.

Jesus was clear that even the perverted thought life is sin. He said that to even look on a woman with lust is equivalent to committing adultery with her in his heart. So the Bible is very clear that not only must the physical life be “chaste” from sin but the thought life must also be chaste from sin.

Pope Benedict was correct in saying that homosexuals should be banned from the ministry in 1985 as the vast majority of paedophile cases in the Roman Catholic churches were cases where the abuser was a person who also identified themselves with the sin of Sodomy (Homosexuality). It was a wakeup call within Roman Catholicism that you cannot condone any form of fornication in positions of leadership in the church. Scripture is very clear on this matter that God detests fornication in all its forms.  That would include premarital sex. I emphasise this for those that wish to point the finger only at gays for their sin. Realize that the vast majority of society does not meet the mark that is required to be a leader in the church. It is not just the gays that fail to meet the mark. So don’t single them out only as if you have a form of righteousness that is acceptable to God that exceeds theirs.  However at the same time there cannot be a category of fornication that is given the green light. All sexual perversion is fornication in Gods eyes and is unacceptable to Him in positions of leadership in the Church.

1 Corinthians 5 – 1 It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named amongst the Gentiles, that one should have his father’s wife. 2  And ye are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you….(PAUL GOES ON IN THE PASSAGE TO REPREMAND THEM FOR ALLOWING THIS FORNICATION IN THE CHURCH.)

The Bible gives a remedy for fornication as follows:

1 Cor. 7 – 2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife (Gk:gunay, woman), and let every woman have her own husband. 3  Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. 4 The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. 5 Defraud you not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer, and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.

The bible is clear that acting out Sodomy is an abomination. I mention this because some may say that I have failed to prove that Sodomy is one of the fornications spoken out against in the Bible. It is clearly spoken out against.

Numbers 20 – 13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination:

To avoid fornication by the priests in the Roman Catholic church they should obey the scriptural remedy for this which is to let every priest have his own wife (They are men after all). It specifically does not say that a priest should have a man. The Greek word gunay means woman but it is translated as wife in the English Bibles because it is understood to mean a woman that they are married to as opposed to an unmarried woman that every man is to have. You get that from the other scriptures and including further in this passage. A pope should issue an edict that the priests are free to marry a woman. This would put them in obedience with scripture on this point.

God is a God of change. He wants to change our lives. We have to be willing to be changed. Repentance is coming to God and admitting that we have failed to meet his holy standard of righteousness. We have missed the mark. The Bible is very clear that all of us have missed the mark. If you’ve ever stolen anything or lied you have missed the mark.

The Bible says,

Romans 3 – 23 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

It also says,

Romans 6 – 23a For the wages of sin is death. (Spiritual separation from God).

All of us are dead in our sins.

Romans 6 – 23b But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

That gift is freely available but we must be willing to turn from our sins and turn toward Christ to ask for His forgiveness and His regeneration of our lives to make us into the kind of people that God wants us to be. Repentance means turning from self and turning toward God.

A person who does this may still be tempted occasionally by their old lifestyle. They must fight this. Just as Augustine did. In his case for him it involved celibacy but this was a personal conviction on his part that ought not to have been forced on the Roman Catholic Church leaders after him. The Bible presents the need for Christians to seek continual cleansing of sin in their thought lives and in their physical lives.

1 John 1 – 9 If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Cleansing is needed on an ongoing basis. If you have a desire to steal or lie. Keep praying about it and God will lessen this tendency for you. The same with any of the sins of fornication. However you will never be perfect as God is. You still have a need to have the perfection of Christ to be imputed to you and for your imperfection to be imputed to Christ. This is something you can pray for and receive if you will put your trust in Christ to do it for you. But you have to approach God with the willingness to turn from your sins towards Christ.

1 John 4 – 10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. (The word propitiation means substitute. His perfection is given to us to give us a free pass before God who no longer sees our sin but the perfection of Christ in us. It is our ticket to heaven that is being offered.)

A new relationship begins in us when we receive the propitiation of Christ and he begins to change our lives. Don’t let anyone tell you that a sin cannot be changed in your life. God can accomplish what psychiatrists and physicians cannot accomplish in your life.

Categories: adultery, All Blog Entries, changed lives, Homosexual Sodomy, repentance, sexual deviancy | Tags: , , , | 4 Comments

Paedophiles Setting Curriculum for Education in Ontario (Revisited)

01ff5b7Ray: We revisited this topic which we introduced in 2012 because Ben Levin who was the Deputy Minister of Education in 2010 was arrested recently with 6 charges of Sexual Deviancy, including Paedophilia toward a minor and publishing of these materials on the internet. We point out that Kathleen Wynne (A professing Lesbian) was the minster of education and Ben Levin was her deputy minister when an attempt was made in 2010 to introduce a perverted sex education curriculum that sought to teach the children in the public schools in Ontario to experiment with using carrots and other vegetables to experience Sodomy and what its like to be a Homosexual first hand.

Also revisit our last posting on this topic in which we pointed out that part of the curriculum involved the rape of 23 children in order to find out how often they could be made to have orgasm in a 24 hour period of time.

We also talked about how God sees us as three part beings wheras Freud only saw two parts to our beings. We discussed how that Psychology comes short of giving the right answers because it deals with the mind only and not the spirit of man.

Hebrews 4 – 12 For the Word of God is alive, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the separating of soul (Gk:psyche, natural desires) and spirit (Gk:pneumos, Godward desires), and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intentions of the heart. (SKJV)

For more information about the Sex Education Scandals in Ontario we have also posted a link to a News Clip by Sun News.

Please give us your comments, especially if you live in Ontario where our children are at risk due to the questionable curriculum that potentially could be forced on them.

Categories: abortion, Absolute Truth, adultery, All Blog Entries, changed lives, evolution, false science, Homosexual Sodomy, morals, polygamy, psychology, repentance, secular humanism, sexual deviancy | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Paedophiles are behind Ontario Sex Education

RAY: The following is an article from Charles McVety, President of Canada Christian College which he sent me today. I think our readers will find this information most interesting.


Dear Ray,

Many people have asked me, who is behind this radical sex education program confusing our young children with six gender teaching starting in kindergarten?

This movement was started by Dr. Alfred Kinsey who was a scientist, researcher and pedophile. Dr. Kinsey is cited on page 19 of Toronto District School Board curriculum guide Equitable and Inclusive Schools. Dr. Kinsey also published an 804 page book in 1948 that spawned the sex education programs of today’s children. He taught that children are sexual from birth and had orgasms as early as two months old. He used 317 men to rape hundreds of children, recording their every move, timed with a stopwatch. A few ways that Kinsey described children’s orgasms include kicking, screaming, hitting, convulsions and vomiting.

Kinsey’s infamous “table 34” (See Below) listed baby “orgasms” as young as 5 months old, and that a 4 year-old had 26 “orgasms” in 24 hours. This torture of little children led “scientists” to conclude that children need sex education as early as possible.

Now Ontario’s “Both/and — a curriculum resource for elementary school classrooms” states on page 18 “the idea of completely reforming the way that we as a culture think and speak about gender is daunting, at best. What better place to try though, than Kindergarten?”

As they teach Ontario ‘s precious children that they may be anyone of six genders and perform sexual experiments by inserting vegetables into each other, they do so based on the disturbing conclusions gleaned from Kinsey’s torture of children.

This must be stopped.

Please watch my TV Special on Dr. Kinsey, this Sunday Evening at 11:00 pm on Vision TV or at

Also be sure to have your friends sign the petition at

The TDSB wants to hear from you! Click here for more information

For the sake of the children please do not ignore this. I know you are busy but your action can help stop this insanity.

If not you, then who? If not now, when?

May God Bless You

We did a video program on how this problem has progressed on July 18, 2013

Dr. Charles McVety

President, Canada ChristianCollege and School of Graduate Theological Studies

A link regarding the Kinsey Report

Related Blog posting at another website

July 8, 2014,

Ray: The following is an update. Several have asked me to prove that Kinsey used more than one source for his report. It seems that Kinsey used several. The following is a documentary which gave the Kinsey institute ample opportunity to defend Kinsey but in doing so they admitted to a mass campaign of mail in surveys sent in by pedophiles and other sexual deviant behavior practitioners.  So many that they have never bothered to catalog them. They also delved into Kinsey’s Homosexual interest. This is another taboo subject these days trying to connect homosexuality with pedophilia. Yet this information lends credence to the truth that homosexual interest also seems to lead to pedophile interest.

The following is the documentary.

Categories: All Blog Entries, heteronormativity, paedophilia | Tags: , , , , | 26 Comments

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