false science

The Signs of God’s Existence – Documentary

Whitefox_AvatarRay: I intend to put original material at our website. I say this because every now and then you will find it. If you go to the “TRAINING” toolbar above you will find some original video I have recorded in the “Creation vs Evolution” section and in the “Mens Breakfast Study”, “Revelation”, “Prophecy” and “Christian Muslim Debate” sections. Also if you troll enough here you will find some discussions with Brad Snell and myself. However there is so much good material on the net I have chosen to showcase some of the best available over the past several months.

I hope you will benefit from this latest video that I am showcasing in this video.

I am hoping others will contribute to the various topics at this website. Please like us, share us on Facebook, and leave your comments on the various topics.

Categories: atheism, evolution, false science, sceptics, secular humanism | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

How evolution is driving the clergy to atheism

Whitefox_AvatarRay: The following article at the Creation Ministries website, I find quite informative.

I came to the conclusion after several years of debating in the Atheist community that atheists are simply sceptics that have taken their scepticism to its logical conclusion of either Agnosticism or Atheism. The latter being the most hardened position. I would participate in an Atheist forum and often find myself outnumbered with responses. The ratio could be one Theist to 100 Atheists at times. It was too hard to keep up and wearisome. So I wrote my responses out as tracts and cut and pasted the tracts so I would have less work to do to answer questions. I would state my case and say for more info drill down to a link that I would provide which gave the full answer in the form of a downloadable tract. After awhile that was not enough so I searched the internet looking for other Christians to come help me to debate these folks. I found some Christian websites where discussions were being held and to my shock and horror the Christians were expressing doubts at their website forums. Their doubts were not to the extent of Agnosticism or Atheism but nevertheless how could I enlist the help of Christians who themselves were tainted by doubts?

As I researched this phenomenon further, I discovered that it is mostly the youth and young adults and even Bible school students that are what I would now call Sceptics. From that time forward I redirected my ministry to try to help “Sceptics” to not harden their hearts and become Atheists or Agnostics. I have for various reasons not had time to continue directly debating the Atheist community but I do spend most of my time pursuing goals to reach the sceptics we have among Christendom in the hopes to stop them from fully eating the cyanide pill they are nibbling on. I have also realized that perhaps by giving the “Truth that Matters” message that they be strengthened to assist in helping other Sceptics and even Atheists and Agnostics to turn them toward the Truth which is only found in the Lord Jesus Christ who said “I am the way the truth and the life.” Jesus also said “the Truth will set you free”. Perhaps by dispelling the lies of evolution and other lies that are prevalent today I can accomplish my original goal of reaching the Atheist community will be bolstered as well.  The Bible does warn also that at the end of the age that even the elect if possible will succumb to deception. There is much deception that sounds true but as you carefully investigate the truth claims and if you are willing as part of your searching for truth to consider the truth claims of the Lord Jesus Christ it is a promise that you will find answers. Jesus made a promise when he said “Seek and you will find.” I believe that promise. I hope you will experience that promise fulfilled in your life as I have.

Back to the article at hand. I hope you will follow its link and read the full article. I would encourage anyone visiting this website to offer your comments for discussion here as well.

Abandoning the Bible for ‘science’


Published: 24 April 2014 (GMT+10)

Atheists have fired another salvo in their ongoing assault on the Bible and, in particular, the truth of Genesis and its importance in the creation-evolution debate.

This time it involves the recent publication of Caught In The Pulpit: Leaving Belief Behind1 by Daniel Dennett and Linda LaScola.

And it should dispel any doubts in the minds of Christians about how focused atheists are on highlighting how accepting the evolutionary view of the world is a major factor in people abandoning their faith in the God of the Bible.

The book is an extension of Richard Dawkins’ ‘The Clergy Project’, which has been described as “a confidential online community for active and former professional clergy/religious leaders who do not hold supernatural beliefs”.2

If the evidence before your eyes doesn’t support a belief, you cannot will yourself to believe it anyway—Richard Dawkins

It chronicles the struggles of several mostly Christian church leaders who have become unbelievers, and is another sobering reminder of this not-so-surprising reality.

The authors seem to think they have exposed something that believers are unaware of and that it will bring down Christianity. What they see as a growing church exodus gives them that expectation.

The reality is that there always have been—and always will be—people who ‘lose their faith’, whether they occupy the pulpit or not. Consider, for example, Canadian (and Billy Graham colleague) Charles Templeton, whose spectacular fall from mass evangelist to unbeliever was in no small part linked to his doubts over Genesis.3

What the authors discovered from participants interviewed are several things Creation Ministries International and many thinking Christians have long pointed out. Sadly, many in the church:

  • have rejected the historicity of the Genesis account including that Adam and Eve were real people;
  • have accepted long ages and evolution as fact;
  • now deny Christ’s Deity.

And many seminaries now teach along all of those lines.


For the rest of the article go to the following link


Categories: All Blog Entries, atheism, evolution, false science, sceptics | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment

No Intelligence Allowed

Whitefox_AvatarRay: Ben Stein produced a great movie a few years ago that detailed the kind of discrimination that Scientists who seek to tell the truth which favors intelligent design face, including job loss, being banned from scientific review journals and being ridiculed in general. The video is famous for the way in which Ben turned the tables on some famous evolutionists who tried to argue themselves for intelligent design but just not God as the intelligent designer.

Categories: All Blog Entries, evolution, false science | Tags: , , , | 7 Comments

Psycho-Heresy What did Christians do before Freud?

Whitefox_AvatarRay: people don’t realize that the word “Soul” in the KJV bible is based on the Greek word “Psyche”. Most Christians don’t seem to realize that the science of Psychology incorporates that word soul in its name. Yet if you were to ask people in this profession if they deal with men’s souls as I have, they will tell you that the soul is the domain of religion they do not deal with the soul. But do they? Another word in the Bible is “Sorcery”. Most don’t seem to know that when the Bible predicts that the world will be given over to “Sorcery” at the end of the age that the Greek word for sorcery is “Pharmacia” from which we get the modern word “Pharmacy”. Pharmaceuticals are one of the main tools of those that are in the Soul profession today who make liberal use of Sorcery. Freud invented the subconscious to explain mans actions. If things are controlled subconsciously then we cannot control our behaviour. Where as the Bible teaches the conscious, not the subconscious and the Bible teaches that our conscience is a moral guide that is God given that gives us an innate sense of right and wrong. Freud also taught that people are “religiously repressed” and the answer to such repression is to cut oneself off from religious counsel. However by the 50’s the word “Religious” was dropped in front of “Repression” and it is now simply taught as “Repression”. Perhaps this is why Psychology has begun to make serious inroads into the Church. I have studied this topic for years  but have not found the time to write about it as there are other projects I am currently working on. I encourage you whether you are religious or not to watch the following video by the Berean Call. For the rest of this 6 video series go to this youtube link -> www.truthiswhatmatters/training/science/psychoheresy

Also Bob and Dierdra Bobgan give away several of their books on this topic in .pdf format at -> http://www.psychoheresy-aware.org/

Categories: All Blog Entries, false science, philosophy, Psycho Heresy, psychoheresy, psychoheresy, psychology | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Science and Faith


Ray: Tim Addressed a Gala held by the Holland Landing District Christian School recently. He talked about the battle for the minds of our youth and challenged our understanding of Science and of Faith.

Come and see more training videos by Tim at


or by going to the above menus and looking under

training / evolution

Categories: All Blog Entries, evolution, false science, philosophy, secular humanism | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

The Philosophy of Evolution – Part 1

Whitefox_AvatarRay: We are planning to interview Tim Barnett in the upcoming month. In preparation for this I video’d Tim giving a training series on the Philosophy of Evolution. Look for the complete 6 part series above under Bible Training / Creation / Tim Barnett. For those interested Tim is speaking at Cedarview Community Church this Wednesday evening at 7.30 pm in Newmarket, Ontario. Come and hear him for yourself. We hope to get two of his series posted each week and to have all the five parts up by the end of January 2014.

Philosophy of Evolution – Session 1 (Tim Barnett)


For the rest of this series follow this link



From the menus above click on “training” then “evolution”


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Taking the Dinosaurs back.

Whitefox_AvatarRay: We feature examples from other websites that we like and we try to switch our topics from week to week. You can look down the left hand column at our site for the full listing of other websites that we like. You might enjoy the exercise of going back through our blog and looking at some of our previous articles and programs.

This week I want to feature the CREATION TODAY website. This particular discussion is about Dinosaurs or Dragons? Are Dinosaurs the commonly reported Dragon in ancient myth and literature? Did they walk among men? What about the Bibles reference to “Behemoth” in Job?

Please leave comments and consider following us.

Categories: evolution, false science, sceptics | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

Evolution vs. God

Ray: The long awaited video by Ray Comfort was just released.

*Now you can hear Ray’s sermon that goes along with the
“Evolution vs. God” video. 

Let us know what you think.

Categories: All Blog Entries, atheism, evolution, false science, philosophy, sceptics, secular humanism | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

Religious people are they less intelligent than atheists study unveils!

BradSnell_IconBrad: A report that I read recently states that Religious people are less intelligent than non-believers, according to a new review of 63 scientific studies stretching back over decades.

A team led by Miron Zuckerman of the University of Rochester found “a reliable negative relation between intelligence and religiosity” in 53 out of 63 studies

Even in extreme old age, intelligent people are less likely to believe, the researchers found – and the reasons why people with high IQs shun religion may not be as simple as previously thought.

Intelligent people are more likely to be married, and more likely to be successful in life – and this may mean they “need” religion less according to the study by Miron Zuckerman.

The studies used in Zuckerman’s paper included a life-long analysis of the beliefs of a group of 1,500 gifted children – those with IQs over 135 – in a study which began in 1921 and continues today.

A 1916 study quoted in Zuckerman’s paper (Leuba) found that, “58% of randomly selected scientists in the United States expressed disbelief in, or doubt regarding the existence of God; this proportion rose to nearly 70% for  scientists.”

“Intelligent people typically spend more time in school—a form of self-regulation that may yield long-term benefits,” the researchers write. “More intelligent people get higher level jobs (and better employment (and higher salary) may lead to higher self-esteem, and encourage personal control beliefs.”

More intelligent people are more likely to get and stay married (greater attachment), though for intelligent people, that too comes later in life. We therefore suggest that as intelligent people move from young adulthood to adulthood and then to middle age, the benefits of intelligence may continue to accrue according to the study.

People possessing the functions that religion provides are likely to adopt atheism, people lacking these very functions (e.g., the poor, the helpless) are likely to adopt theism,” the researchers wrote.

So in summing up this  outdated study over 70% of scientists in the USA didn’t really believe in God or raised doubt in the  actual existence of Heaven and God.

Whitefox_AvatarRay: I have to chuckle a little at this study.

1) First of all it was a “scientific report” about the superiority of “scientists”. Could it possibly be biased?

2) Second I suspect the scientists were indeed lacking in education when compared to religious folks. That would be less education in the study of God’s word. Do people that read their Bibles, many on a yearly basis have less education  because they did not study Darwinism, or other philosophies of men? What you have is differing areas of study. There is the study of the creator (religious) verses the study of the created (science).

3) I also believe some of the facts are deliberately wrongly stated. For example marriage. I don’t believe the statistics from this report based on the early 1900’s are true today. Today it is more likely to be the secular humanist who is highly educated in science who will tend to fornicate (sex before marriage) and are also more likely to divorce if they do get married and are less likely to marry, whereas religious folks get married.

4) There is also an alignment between worldly education as opposed to religious education. People educated in the philosophy of men tend to also become more financially endowed. The article claims that poor people are ignorant and therefore subscribe to religion. I would suggest that worldly people chase the almighty dollar and substitute their need for God with material things including their desire to worship the created thing rather than the creator. It is one and the same person that is highly education that also tends to be wealthy in terms of this world. The Bible answers this with the statement that the rich find it difficult to get into heaven. (Their riches tend to stop them from finding out the truth of religion.) But in reality it is the educated in the philosophies of men that are the ones that are ignorant of God’s word and purposes. They are uneducated in the things of eternity and the things of God and they are headed for a lost eternity as a result of their spiritual impoverishment.

5) The article talks about self regulation as somehow superior to God regulation (we must assume this is what they mean). This drives to the definition of morals. Are morals dictated by God or by ourselves? Today marriage in Canada includes gay marriage whereas the Bible only supports heterosexual marriage. This type of union is an example where self regulation is leading society in a different direction than religious regulation. Such regulation is not superior to religious regulation it is different. But you cannot prove that self-regulation has proven to be superior to Gods regulation.

Educated people who are educated in the word of God know this whereas uneducated people in the word of God do not seem to know these things.

The Bible has three things to say on this subject which come to mind.

“Claiming to be wise they became fools”

“Beware of Science falsely so called”. (Beware of mans science. It will lead you to nowhere in terms of eternity.)

“It is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God than for a camel to pass through the eye of a sewing needle.” (SKJV)


religious hands

Categories: Absolute Truth, All Blog Entries, false science, morals, philosophy | Tags: , , | 1 Comment

Paedophiles Setting Curriculum for Education in Ontario (Revisited)

01ff5b7Ray: We revisited this topic which we introduced in 2012 because Ben Levin who was the Deputy Minister of Education in 2010 was arrested recently with 6 charges of Sexual Deviancy, including Paedophilia toward a minor and publishing of these materials on the internet. We point out that Kathleen Wynne (A professing Lesbian) was the minster of education and Ben Levin was her deputy minister when an attempt was made in 2010 to introduce a perverted sex education curriculum that sought to teach the children in the public schools in Ontario to experiment with using carrots and other vegetables to experience Sodomy and what its like to be a Homosexual first hand.

Also revisit our last posting on this topic in which we pointed out that part of the curriculum involved the rape of 23 children in order to find out how often they could be made to have orgasm in a 24 hour period of time.

We also talked about how God sees us as three part beings wheras Freud only saw two parts to our beings. We discussed how that Psychology comes short of giving the right answers because it deals with the mind only and not the spirit of man.

Hebrews 4 – 12 For the Word of God is alive, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the separating of soul (Gk:psyche, natural desires) and spirit (Gk:pneumos, Godward desires), and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intentions of the heart. (SKJV)

For more information about the Sex Education Scandals in Ontario we have also posted a link to a News Clip by Sun News.

Please give us your comments, especially if you live in Ontario where our children are at risk due to the questionable curriculum that potentially could be forced on them.

Categories: abortion, Absolute Truth, adultery, All Blog Entries, changed lives, evolution, false science, Homosexual Sodomy, morals, polygamy, psychology, repentance, secular humanism, sexual deviancy | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

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